Friday, July 1, 2011

I am not my body!

I read the Nie Nie dialogues and I was watching the mormon messages video (watch here) that she was in and she says "I am not my body." I realized that sometimes I let my body and my struggles hold me back. I always appreciated my friends and family for respecting me and not making me feel different, but I wasn't doing the same for myself. I have always struggled with having G syndrome, even though it is such a mild case of it. Instead of counting my blessings that for the most part it doesn't affect me, I think of the difficulties it creates in my life. I focus on the negative instead of the positive, which is strange for me, because I am so optimistic usually. Sometimes, I am so frustrated with Heavenly Father for giving me this challenge. I don't understand why though, because it is what has brought me so close to Him. My struggles have helped me to rejoice in the atonement and resurrection. I know one day I will receive my perfect body. I know that I was given this body for a reason and that I can accomplish many great things, even without a "perfect" body. I am so grateful for my knowledge of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am so grateful that He suffered and died for me so that I can return to live with my Heavenly Father. I know the He has felt our pains, weaknesses, struggles, and sins so that He could help bring us to our Heavenly Father again. He completely understands how we are feeling and is waiting, with His arms outstretched, for us to turn to Him. I know that I cannot ever be truly alone, because He will always understand what I am feeling. I know that my knowledge of our Savior is what has gotten me through so many difficult times. I know that through my G syndrome trials I have grown closer to my Heavenly Father and my Savior and I have learned how to turn unto Them. I know I would not be who I am today without the body I was given, but I AM NOT MY BODY! I am so much more that that. I am so much more than G syndrome. I will not let that hold me back any longer

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